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DarkHorse Podcast with Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein

Intro and Context

0:00:00 to 1:00:00

3:54What is it like to be an independent thinker 
12:41Collective action problem 
15:06Is there hope given all the catastrophic risk? 
19:13Failed ancient civilizations 
22:41The bomb, "twin nuclei problem", and dangerous tech 
27:23Mistake theory Vs conflict theory 
33:50AI drone weapons 
36:43The Senescence of Civilization 
37:51Social media is a democracy killer 
41:54Reward circuits and asymmetric power of big corp over the individuals 
46:15Casual sex Vs committed relationship 
51:14Hobbesian view and dialectic of progress 
52:54Group and lineage selection 
55:17Parasitic human behaviour and force transparency 
57:51We live in a sea of bullsh*t 
59:43Markets and manufactured demand 

1:00:00 to 2:00:00

1:05:19Markets, states, and the people 
1:10:10Civilizations fail to oppression or chaos 
1:13:38Corruption and powerful actors 
1:15:45Conspiracy is the emergent property of the incentive dynamics 
1:17:01Public choice theory 
1:18:30Voting is a failure mode 
1:23:21Fixing democracy 
1:25:31Trade offs - fastest and bluest car 
1:34:00Trade off agreements on indefinite long timescales 
1:36:55Markets and incentives 
1:39:26Government funding Vs venture capital 
1:43:31Innovation under duress 
1:46:42What is the basis of warranted trust? 
1:47:39Fact checkers 
1:51:01First, second, and third person epistemics 
1:54:53Long term synthesis 
1:57:36What to optimize for... The thing that is worth optimizing for is not measurable 

2:00:00 to 3:00:00

2:02:37Superintelligent AI or something else 
2:05:21George Washington wisdom - Comprehensive education of the people, then post WW2 restructuring 
2:09:21Maintain and progress 
2:12:12A government that works 
2:15:25Left and Right, virtuous cycle 
2:18:31Education in an automated world 
2:21:23Wealth inequality 
2:24:31Predictable responses of people 
2:26:54Issues of first principle thinking people 
2:30:48Being confronted with conflicting information, such as lab leak and flat earth 
2:39:26Failure modes of reasoning and disagreeing with consensus 
2:45:11Black box of scientific method 
2:48:14Blockchain science 
2:49:55Sustainability of systems and reversibility 
2:57:27Conservatives and conservation 

3:00:00 to End

3:02:11Christianity, Islam, and Judaism 
3:05:11Are we f**ked? 
3:08:52Grateful for Evergreen 
3:10:12Wrap up